My Heart and Mind: An extraordinary and authentic journey of Hope

Early Inspiration

Dr. Hutcheson’s mission is to ignite human potential through radical health. His passion for structural health began as a kid while witnessing his brother go through the challenges of developmental scoliosis. Halfway through business school, he was hiking in the Arizona mountains on a beautiful clear day where he felt like he could see for 100 miles. During this hike, he felt overcome by a feeling and in that moment knew that he had to become a Chiropractor.

Educational Journey and Early Career

Then and to this day, he felt it as a calling from God. He finished his Economics degree and went to Chiropractic school. After finishing Chiropractic school, he started an integrative pain management program at an esteemed FQHC (federally qualified health center) non-profit organization. This program was a great success and continues to operate to this day.

Innovative Contributions

While developing this program, Hutcheson saw a missing link in healthcare and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Almost all diagnostic studies were performed supine and static, lacking motion and function. Hutcheson proceeded to start a Digital Motion X-Ray business and partnered with medical practices and businesses in South Carolina as one of the forerunners in utilizing dynamic motion imaging to aid in diagnosis of often elusive conditions and diseases.

Collaborative Efforts and Dynamic Structural Medicine

Through a mutual love for pushing the envelope of what is possible when it comes to human health and healing, Hutcheson and Dr. Hauser of Caring Medical met and hit it off. Eventually, they partnered to build the foundations of what would become Dynamic Structural Medicine – encompassing the three main components of structural health: spinal curvatures, alignment, and stability.

Continued Dedication and Vision

Hutcheson, who now works in solo practice, is no stranger to innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Hutcheson is extremely devoted, determined, empathetic, and kind with his patients and steadfast in his vision to continue to innovate and discover solutions to reduce human suffering and help as many people as possible achieve lasting meaningful health. No bar is too high, and no river too wide – he is always willing to go the extra mile, explore new pathways, and find new ways to healing that nobody else has before.

Alaska 2020, Dr. Hutcheson

Alaska 2020, Dr. Hutcheson

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