Feeling like the world is closing in, Chronic Intractable Migraines, Brain Fog, Pain, Fatigue.

Austin traveled from San Diego for care. He has been gracious to share his story on how he obtained relief from years of progressively worsening symptoms despite being told by neurologists, upper cervical chiropractors, holistic medicine doctors, physical therapy and others that there was no way his symptoms were coming from his neck.

He had an accident when he was younger, and he had a lot of pain since that accident. Over the last 4-5 years the pain got very bad, and the headaches were daily, constant, with no reprieve – they were ‘ruining his life’

He was told that since he was holding alignment from upper cervical chiropractic, and that the ‘curve didn’t matter’, that at least he could be sure that his symptoms weren’t coming from his neck.

A naturopath sent him for blood work, and he went down an entire path thinking that his symptoms were related to mold toxicity.

A neurologist told him that he had intractable chronic migraines and there is nothing you can do about it, there is no solution, and you have to learn how to live with it.

Austin felt like his life was becoming so small, he was cutting things out of his life because he didn’t have the energy or focus to do them – he felt like he was in a ‘little box in his mind’.

He only had so much capacity to focus, so he primarily dedicated that energy to work. It was very miserable every single day. After his week of care with us, he slowly noticed improvements week after week, with his continuing curve correction homework – he began feeling like his mind and life have been opened back up – he states he is feeling more and more like the person he is meant to be.

He states that his body now wants to live in a natural, happy state – rather than a tight, dark, depressed state – he is now able to bounce back out of any flare ups on his own.

Austin states that he would have extreme fatigue associated with the headaches – horrible brain fog, horrible fatigue – rolling into work getting ready to start his day – thinking, how am I going to get through this – how am I going to do this. The brain fog, fatigue, inability to sit still, having to lay down randomly throughout the day – his body just couldn’t handle it.

His energy has been up big time, he is doing a lot more of his hobbies – fishing, golfing.

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